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Thursday, February 18, 2010

It Really Works!!!

So - I just wanted all you 'Doubting Tomases and Tomasinas' to know that my little positive thinking Money Mantra worked yesterday!

I was offered a short term job for Daytona's biggest cash earner of the year, BIKE WEEK! I will be working for about a week and a half in an official promotion venue for Three Olives. Yippee! Money:)

AND - even more impressive, my partner called to tell me he had a buyer for the remaining stock in our company! That means more festivals, promotions, money for the preview - PLUS a reimbursement of some personal funds I laid down to finish the project a couple of months ago.

AND - I had a great business meeting yesterday about a venue for expanding my teaching practice.

AND - I've got a new line a possible way to get my troupe on a cruise line!

Things are definitely coming together!!!

It's like 2010 has finally started - at long, long, last:)

So - Money is still coming to me - I receive money from many sources all around me, Money is coming to me from work, from mail, from gifts and from contests I win. I am very lucky when it comes to money.

Now - I'm adding a little more positive ju - ju. L'Amore...

I actually have tons of love in my life. I've recently come to embody a new philosophy on love. It actually stems from the Bible quote, "We love Him because He first loved us."

So often we focus on getting love. We 'fall in love' with somebody but when they don't love us back we stop showing them love in our actions and we look elsewhere always seeking the love we can get.

But I've worked to change my focus. I find that the people I love I can continue to love even if they don't 'love me in that way.' Because almost always, when I show love to people through my actions, I receive some sort of reciprocity. It may not be a romantic candle-lit dinner for two. It might just be a friendly phone call when I need it most - or big hug and smile to go with for absolutely no reason at all. Who am I to judge how another person loves me?

The law of attraction, karma, the golden rule or whatever it is you live by dictates that if you keep offering in abundance you will receive back all that you give and then some. It's just the way things work.

So if you keep loving - eventually you receive the kind of love you crave. THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO STALK!!! There is a difference between loving someone unconditionally and showing them through acts of kindness and words of encouragement and thinking that excessive calling, texting or 'showing up' where they are will somehow 'turn them' - or change their mind or heart. That is NOT unconditional love. That is manipulation - and it's NOT COOL! Repeat - NOT COOL!

So - here's a love mantra for today - let's see how it goes...

I am loved. I love many people and they love me. My friends think about me when I'm not around and enjoy spending time with me. Someone special who I love is loving me right now. Someone I care deeply about will share his feelings with me. A loving romantic relationship is starting between me and another person and it will be fun, connected and long lasting!

Okay - now to sit back and wait to be loved:) If today is anything like yesterday - I won't have to wait for very long!

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